SomeTechie's Site

Hello fellow 6b6t player!

Hello 6b6t player, welcome to my website. You may have found my website from a wither, chest, shulker, book or something else. I am currently an independent player who loves to fuck around. I started playing on 3/11/2023 so I haven't been around for that long. I've been interested in anarchy servers for a few years and used to play on 9b9t for a while, but switched over to 6b6t since its pretty dead.

If i'm online, message me and I will gladly give you a free kit!

(if you get no response then i'm probably afk duping or something)


I have placed a double chest full of pvp kits at -1015 56 5663 on 4/12/2023 at 11:03 AM EST! Get it before someone else does!

UPDATE: the chest was looted! come back another time to see the next event!

How To Dupe (Guide)

What I have listed below are videos explaining how to dupe with toro v2. I recommend watching them in order so that you can fully understand.

This first video was made by the people over at colonizadores who originally discovered the dupe. Note that you need meteor client and the toro v2 addon in order to dupe. The jar file to the dupe can be found in the colonizadores discord. Click here to join. (I am not affiliated with them btw)

This next video is a video I made to show two different duping methods I discovered with toro v2 that you could try if you'd like.

This final video was made by the people at colonizadores which shows a possibly faster method for duping with toro v2.

Hopefully this guide shows you how to properly dupe. More info on how to dupe can be found in the toro dupe channel on the colonizadores discord. If you have any problems or questions, feel free to PM me on 6b6t when I'm online (I may be afk so don't be upset if I dont respond lol).

Original Map Arts

Want a shulker with my original map arts? message me when im online and I will give you one.

Somewhat interesting screenshots

random diamond structure I found and griefed

small base I found with awful loot

my dupe stash I created and used the toro v2 dupe

An obsidian structure I made that says my website

wrux is gay

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Website created 4/9/2023